Check this out! This is love!!! For Sarah and Scott's wedding they had a custom Plankton Noserider made for the day. What a great wedding present - raising the bar for all those newly engaged out there! After a beautiful wedding ceremony they were off to beach to continue the happiest day.
Each day brings a new challenge to the Creation Plantation.
This week a good
customer and alaia enthusiast ordered a super short stand up alaia for beach breaks in WA. He
has a regular peanut but wants something that will fit better into the tight shore break
tubes. We talked and I made a 4’ peanut that is a squashed down Machado style peanut. The
tail is an inch wider than the nose and the board is an inch wider than the standard peanut.
I can’t wait to hear how it goes.
Second, I am furthering the progress into the little belly board blank. I had been making them with the same width of wood that I use for the alaias. But, being much thinner, around 10mm, the wood cups and twists far more than the alaia blanks. This has to do with the cuts of the wood and the way one side will dry out faster than the other side. Also, for some reason a shaped alaia with thin rails and a thicker middle will not cup like a body board that is the same thickness across the board. It is puzzling. I am now gluing together more strips of wood and being careful to alternate the rings so that the board will stay flatter. I have a lot of hope for these little boards that were enormously popular 60 years ago all around the world. I hope to see lots of people who may not want to ride a stand up board surfing close to shore on the wood belly boards. They are fun!
Planktons are on the move! Matt Foy picked up his new Plankton noserider on my birthday and he gave me a carton as a present. The good karma from such a generous act immediately kicked in as he went to the Noosa Points and got the first three hours of a perfect, unpredicted swell. I went down later for my birthday surf and found him with a perma-smile and eyes glazed over from the fantasy session.