The Model A is the best Surfboard for learning how to surf. It is geared for catching waves easily and early, and then having control through the drop. This is the critical moment for the beginner to mid-level surfer - where it is make or break; “Am I going to keep surfing or is it too difficult?” The Model A makes the answer “surf” as the surfer glides toward the shoulder and finds trim. But it is not only a beginner board, it noserides well and one only needs to advance to the next board when either hanging ten becomes too easy or board feels slow in bigger waves. The corky Model A is soft and user friendly. My aim is to entice the beginner surfer into the world of longboarding.
Here is a video I made with my son Finley about the foam and wood Model A. It is equally applicable to the Corky Model A.
9 to 10 foot corky Model A: $1850 Australian Dollars plus shipping
Stay at the Wegener Home Stay and make one with Tom: 3 nights in the Wallace room and 3 1/2 days work $2800 Australian Dollars